
Setting Up the Perfect Study Space for Your Child

The ideal place for studying is something any child needs at home. That is why, with the help of a Private School in London, we’ve compiled some tips on what you should think about when it comes to setting up that perfect study space for your child.  

Make It Clean & Tidy 

What you don’t want the space to be is cluttered. Finding a flat clear surface, be that a desk or the dining room table, is the best kind of surface to aim for. You want them to have the free space to manage where they’re putting all of their equipment. Most importantly though, you want this surface to be in a place where there is little else to distract them. Therefore that definitely means away from the TV! 

Natural Lighting 

Lighting is key to making any space feel inviting, so it’s doubly important when you’re trying to make a study spot seem like an inviting place for a child. You should aim to make sure that the space gets plenty of natural light in the day, as studies have shown that daylight can help boost mood and productivity. 

Remove Phones 

This will likely be more of an issue for those of you with older children, but make sure they don’t feel compelled to bring their phone into their study space. A mobile phone is, of course, a useful tool, but it is also a very distracting one, playing home to games and social media apps. Not having their phone in the space should help them maintain focus. 

Stock Equipment 

Make sure your child has all the things they might need for their studies, be that different coloured pens and pencils, calculator, protractor, compass you name it. You should also organise the space if you can so that your child then knows where every piece of equipment lives and should go back to at the end of studying. This means that there shouldn’t be any time taken away from studying by looking for the equipment that they need. Good organization is a big part of creating that perfect study space.